Linux software
>> GitLab projects
The GUI is built entirely using self-created libraries, and currently only supports X11.
The GUI is built entirely using self-created libraries, and currently only supports X11.
Image | |
AzPainter | Paint software |
azcomicv | Comic viewer |
azimgview | A simple image viewer |
rqimage | Process images with simple commands |
apdtool | Tools for APD/ADW files |
rgb2cmyk | Convert RGB images to CMYK images |
xsshot | Screen capture for X11 |
Movie | |
vasviewer | VapourSynth Viewer |
vasynccut | Cut the WAV audio file into video frame units and output it |
savfsource | Video import plug-in for VapourSynth |
Novel | |
aobook | Aozora Bunko Text Viewer |
txtnovel | Typeset your novel from text and output it as a PDF or image |
Others | |
azfontviewer | Font viewer (loads fonts directly from files) |
fontanalz | TrueType/OpenType/CFF font analysis |
mlk style editor | Style setting editor for my own library mlk |
lhttpzip | A local server for viewing HTML files in a ZIP file directly in a browser |
Development stopped/ended
AzPainterB | A simple paint software that can be used for pixel editing, illustration, retouching, etc. |
mThemeEditor | A color theme editor for the old self-made library mlib. mthemeeditor-1.0.0.tar.xz |
resizeimg | Image resizing and format conversion |
quantimg | Reduce image to 2-256 colors |
- About APD/ADW files
- API documentation for the self-made GUI library "mlk".