Linux Software

Linux software
>> GitLab projects

The GUI is built entirely using self-created libraries, and currently only supports X11.

AzPainter Paint software
azcomicv Comic viewer
azimgview A simple image viewer
rqimage Process images with simple commands
apdtool Tools for APD/ADW files
rgb2cmyk Convert RGB images to CMYK images
xsshot Screen capture for X11
vasviewer VapourSynth Viewer
vasynccut Cut the WAV audio file into video frame units and output it
savfsourceVideo import plug-in for VapourSynth
aobook Aozora Bunko Text Viewer
txtnovel Typeset your novel from text and output it as a PDF or image
azfontviewer Font viewer (loads fonts directly from files)
fontanalz TrueType/OpenType/CFF font analysis
mlk style editor Style setting editor for my own library mlk
lhttpzip A local server for viewing HTML files in a ZIP file directly in a browser
Development stopped/ended
AzPainterB A simple paint software that can be used for pixel editing, illustration, retouching, etc.
mThemeEditor A color theme editor for the old self-made library mlib.
resizeimg Image resizing and format conversion
quantimg Reduce image to 2-256 colors